2019年2月16日 星期六

Optimize Separable Convolution for the Specified Size on NVIDIA® CUDA®

※The code corresponding to this blog in here.

  Continue this post, in here I will show how to optimize the CUDA code of separable convolution for a specified size. Due to the size is specified, the procedures could be customized to meet the size, brings the performance improved.

  There are three metrics we should pay attention to in this optimization : memory coalescing, branching condition and memory throughput, the three metrics are able to help us judging how good the optimization reaches.

  1. Memory coalescence: If the threads in a block sequentially access the consecutive addresses, it is called memory coalescing. High coalescing brings the high efficiency of transaction.
 2. Branching condition : the branch controlling requires additional overhead, both in CPU and GPU. Since the the branch control unit in GPU is much simple than that in GPU, the branching judgement is costly.
 3. Memory throughput : The more memory accessing of a thread is, the higher memory throughput is. We could observe this metrics to evaluate whether there is room to optimize the accessing or not.

  Essentially,  a loop statement is a branching statement, and the branching judgement is expensive. Hence, we should reduce the if-statement and loop-statement as much as possible. If the repeating number is able to determined statically, we could do the loop unrolling to remove the loop branching.
  In most cases, highly memory coalescing means high throughput, bringing the memory accessing in an efficient way .i.e, reducing the accessing overhead. One of implementation method for optimal memory coalescing is to expand the procedures. For CUDA, "expand the procesure" means use the fewer blocks(usually be a half number) to deal with the the work. Fewer blocks brings less flow control and higher cache hit rate. This trick, expand the procesure. is also called loop nest optimization

In Session 一, we will unroll the loops and reduce the number of branching judgement; in 二, we will expand the procedures. Those two optimizations both get noteworthy improvement.

This optimization targets kernel size = 31, output size = 1400x1400, and my graphic card is GTX1060 3G

零. Review the original code.

Row function:
j = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
for (; j < height; j += blockDim.y * gridDim.y) {

 i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
 for (; i < width; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
  int ii;
  float sum;

  sum = 0;
  ii = 0;

  do {
    + ii*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] =
    + ii*blockDim.x + i];

  } while (threadIdx.x + ii * blockDim.x < block_width);


  for (ii = 0; ii < kernel_length; ii++) {
   sum += kernel_const_mem[ii] * p_input_in_block[
    threadIdx.y*shared_mem_pitch + ii + threadIdx.x];
  }/*for kernel_length*/

  p_output_dev[j*width + i] = sum;
 }/*for width*/

}/*for j*/

  We could find there are 4 loops: width, height, do-while and kernel_length. All of those loops are able to be unrolled.
Besides, the memory accessing in a block is not heavy, it is able to increase the accessing to achieve memory coalescing.

一. Unroll the loops

The most obvious part for the optimization, is kernel_length loop. Due to our purpose is to optimize the code for the specified kernel length, the variable, kernel_length, could be simply replaced as a macro constant. With the #pragma unroll directive, the unrolling would be done automatically in compiling time.
     If the grid and block size perfectly meet the input size, the height and width loop are removable: i.e. the grid_size x block_size is equal to the input size.
     The do-while loop, which lies in the middle, is able to be rewritten as a for-loop which contains a if-statement, and we could pre-calculate the repeating number as a macro constant in this loop. Also beware, the if-statement, preventing the accessing from out of bounds, be false only at last round. Therefore, we could separate the if-statement from the loop, to reduce the branching judgement.

 The code adopted those unrolling is:

 j = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
 i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

 int jj;
 float sum;

#pragma unroll (COLUMN_CP_STEPS - 1)
 for (int jj = 0; jj < (COLUMN_CP_STEPS - 1) ; jj++ ) {
   p_input_in_block[(threadIdx.y + jj*blockDim.y)* shared_mem_pitch
    + threadIdx.x]
    = p_extended_input_dev
    [(j + jj*blockDim.y)*extended_width
    + kernel_radius + i];
 }/*for */

 jj = (COLUMN_CP_STEPS - 1);
 if (threadIdx.y + jj * blockDim.y < block_height) {
  p_input_in_block[(threadIdx.y + jj*blockDim.y)* shared_mem_pitch
   + threadIdx.x]
   = p_extended_input_dev
   [(j + jj*blockDim.y)*extended_width
   + kernel_radius + i];


 sum = 0;
#pragma unroll KERNEL_LENGTH
 for (jj = 0; jj < KERNEL_LENGTH; jj++) {
  sum += kernel_const_mem[jj] * p_input_in_block[
   (threadIdx.y + jj)*shared_mem_pitch + threadIdx.x];
 }/*for kernel*/

 p_column_done_extended_output_dev[j*extended_width + kernel_radius + i]
  = sum;
The gridDim could no longer be a arbitrary value, it must completely meet the input size:
num_blocks.x = (width + (num_threads.x - 1)) / num_threads.x;
num_blocks.y = (height + (num_threads.y - 1)) / num_threads.y;

The  runtime and the nvprof metrics are as below:
kernel size = 13
for 100 rounds
Duration time
Control-Flow Instrunctions
Global Store Throughput
Global Load Throughput
Non Specified243 ms461.886 / 479.101 μs11900000 / 1190000033.906 / 24.965 GB/s54.794 / 51.86 GB/s
Unrolling216 ms270.238 / 264.447 μs1960000 / 196000059.683 / 45.983 GB/s96.3 / 95.522 GB/s

 The reduction of branching improves the continuity of the procedures, bringing the memory throughput increasing.

二. Expand the procedures (Use a half block number).

  Expanding the procedures makes the accessing actions merged and the accessing overhead diminished. It increases the throughput to improve performance. Besides, the merged procedures also bring the branching-judgement further reduced.

  To implement the procedures expansion is to use one block of threads tackles over one block of data.
  We expand the procedures in x-direction and y-direction both, the column function code is :

block_height = (2 * blockDim.y) + (kernel_length - 1);

 shared_mem_pitch = 2 * blockDim.x;
 shared_mem_pitch += padding;

 j = 2 * blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
 i = 2 * blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

#pragma unroll (COLUMN_CP_STEPS_EXPANDING - 1)
 for (int jj = 0; jj < (COLUMN_CP_STEPS_EXPANDING - 1); jj++) {
  p_input_in_block[(threadIdx.y + jj*blockDim.y)* shared_mem_pitch
   + threadIdx.x]
   = p_extended_input_dev
   [(j + jj*blockDim.y)*extended_width
   + kernel_radius + i];

 }/*for */

#pragma unroll (COLUMN_CP_STEPS_EXPANDING - 1)
 for (int jj = 0; jj < (COLUMN_CP_STEPS_EXPANDING - 1); jj++) {
  p_input_in_block[(threadIdx.y + jj*blockDim.y)* shared_mem_pitch
   + threadIdx.x + blockDim.x]
   = p_extended_input_dev
   [(j + jj*blockDim.y)*extended_width
   + kernel_radius + i + blockDim.x];
 }/*for */

 if (threadIdx.y + jj * blockDim.y < block_height) {
  p_input_in_block[(threadIdx.y + jj*blockDim.y)* shared_mem_pitch
   + threadIdx.x]
   = p_extended_input_dev
   [(j + jj*blockDim.y)*extended_width
   + kernel_radius + i];

  p_input_in_block[(threadIdx.y + jj*blockDim.y)* shared_mem_pitch
   + threadIdx.x + blockDim.x]
   = p_extended_input_dev
   [(j + jj*blockDim.y)*extended_width
   + kernel_radius + i + blockDim.x];

 }/*if COLUMN_CP_STEPS - 1*/


 sum = 0;
#pragma unroll KERNEL_LENGTH
 for (jj = 0; jj < KERNEL_LENGTH; jj++) {
  sum += kernel_const_mem[jj] * p_input_in_block[
   (threadIdx.y + jj)*shared_mem_pitch + threadIdx.x];
 }/*for kernel*/

 p_column_done_extended_output_dev[j*extended_width + kernel_radius + i]
  = sum;

 sum = 0;
#pragma unroll KERNEL_LENGTH
 for (jj = 0; jj < KERNEL_LENGTH; jj++) {
  sum += kernel_const_mem[jj] * p_input_in_block[
   (threadIdx.y + jj)*shared_mem_pitch + threadIdx.x + blockDim.x];
 }/*for kernel*/

 p_column_done_extended_output_dev[j*extended_width + kernel_radius 
  + i + blockDim.x] = sum;

 sum = 0;
#pragma unroll KERNEL_LENGTH
 for (jj = 0; jj < KERNEL_LENGTH; jj++) {
  sum += kernel_const_mem[jj] * p_input_in_block[
   (threadIdx.y + jj + blockDim.y)*shared_mem_pitch + threadIdx.x];
 }/*for kernel*/

 p_column_done_extended_output_dev[(j + blockDim.y)*extended_width 
  + kernel_radius + i] = sum;

 sum = 0;
#pragma unroll KERNEL_LENGTH
 for (jj = 0; jj < KERNEL_LENGTH; jj++) {
  sum += kernel_const_mem[jj] * p_input_in_block[
   (threadIdx.y + jj + blockDim.y)*shared_mem_pitch 
   + threadIdx.x + blockDim.x];
 }/*for kernel*/

 p_column_done_extended_output_dev[(j + blockDim.y)*extended_width + kernel_radius 
  + i + blockDim.x] = sum;

The required shared memory size and block number need to be changed while the procedures have been expanded:
block_height = (2 * num_threads.y) + (kernel_length - 1);
padding = 0;
shared_mem_size = sizeof(float)
  * (2 * num_threads.x + padding) * (block_height);

num_blocks.x /= 2;
num_blocks.y /= 2;

However, the runtime gets worse .
kernel size = 13
for 100 rounds
Non Specified243 ms
Unrollment216 ms

+ Expanding
224 ms

nvprof reveals why the expanding worsen the performance : the branching judgement indeed gets reduced, but memory throughput gets declined. The matrics, shared memory transaction per request, states there is a bank conflict in the column function. This bank conflict restricts the efficiency of memory throughput.
kernel size = 13
Duration time
Control-Flow Instrunctions
Global Load Throughput
Shared Memory Store Transactions Per Request
Global Store Throughput
Shared Memory Load Transactions Per Request
Non Specified461.886 / 479.101 μs11900000 / 1190000054.794 / 51.86 GB/s1 / 133.906 / 24.965 GB/s1 / 1
Unrollment279.519 / 264.447 μs1960000 / 196000096.3 / 95.522 GB/s0.693 / 0.98759.683 / 45.983 GB/s1 / 1
+ Expanding
315.073 / 217.568 μs1470000 / 147000059.161 / 80.46 GB/s1.948 / 149.217 / 52.644 GB/s1.96 / 1

To solve the bank conflict, we could exploit the formula I mentioned in the last post:

padding = WARP_SIZE * n - (block_size + (WARP_SIZE - num_threads.x))

In this case, the block_size = 2 * num_threads.x, so padding is WARP_SIZE - num_threads.x. Filling this value in the device caller, the band conflict would not exist.
padding = WARP_SIZE - num_threads.x;

After the fix, The result is :
kernel size = 13
for 100 rounds
Non Specified243 ms
Unrollment216 ms
Unrollment + Expanding,
bank conflict fixed
197 ms

nvprof shows the memory throughput has been improved, as we expected :
kernel size = 13
Duration time
Global Load Throughtout
Global Memory
Load Efficiency
Global Store Throughtout
Global Memory
Store Efficiency
Non Specified461.886 / 479.101 μs54.794 / 51.86 GB/s66.8 / 68.1 %33.906 / 24.965 GB/s52.1 / 68.3 %1132500 / 1245000
Unrollment279.519 / 264.447 μs96.3 / 95.522 GB/s66.8 / 68.1 %55.906 / 45.983 GB/s52.1 / 68.3 %62500 / 62500
Unrollment + Expanding,
bank conflict fixed
203.646 / 217.568 μs95.696 / 80.46 GB/s66.7 / 69.2 %59.683 / 52.644 GB/s52.1 / 68.3 %32500 / 46250

The expanding version also benefits from the further reducing of branching judgement, its performance gets obviously improved.

三. Summary

 1. Avoid if statement and loop statement, whose repeating number is undetermined. If the repeating number of a loop is an immediate, the compiler directive "#pragma unroll" could unwind the loop in compiling time.

2. Expanding the procedures is able to increase the continuity of processing, to curtail accessing overhead and reduce more branch condition.

3.  Bank conflict is a critical issue when using shared memory, it excessively hampers the process from reaching high performance.

