2017年8月28日 星期一

Read DS18B20 Temperature via Mapping Memory Method in Linux

    In the website, there are lots code to demonstrate how to set and fetch the temperature data measured by ds18b20, but Most are drive-based, some are UART-base;  there are only a few code fetching data via mapping memory method.

    Basically, programmer should avoid to insert driver as possible as he can, for driver within defect may entail whole system would not work or be disordered. Accessing mapped memory is a much better solution from my perspective.

    This post is to complement my previous article, to demonstrate another example of
how to manipulate GPIO for transmission of data via mapped memory.

DS18B20 is a good digitall temperature measurer featuring its high precision from -10 ~ 85 degree, and supporting multi-sensor on one wire(GPIO). And it is very easy to buy a DS18B20 in cable form, which is very useful to measure the temperature of liquid.

For DS18B20 is pull-up based voltage, you need to connect Vcc pin to Data pin with a resistor in middle value (2k Ohm- 10k, 4.7k is the most typical), even you use the water-proof one.

According to DS18B20 datasheet, the float chart/pesudo-code is :

---Reset DS18B20 ---
 pull down the pin for 600 us
 read the pin, and the pin would transmit to down within 60 us.
 the pin would be down at max of 240 us.
 the pin would be up
---END Reset DS18B20 END---

--- SetDS18B20 Resolution ---
-Write command SKIP_DS18B20_ROM-
-Write command READ_DS18B20_RAM-
- Write 2 dummy bytes -
- Write resultion -
---END SetDS18B20 Resolution END---

-Write command SKIP_DS18B20_ROM-
-Write command CONVERT_DS18B20_TEMP-

---Wait DS18B20 Converting Done---
wait the pin be high, the max time according to reslultion
---END Wait DS18B20 Converting Done END---

-Write command SKIP_DS18B20_ROM-
-Write command READ_DS18B20_RAM-

-Read DS18B20 Bytes-

- Convert the raw data to temperature - 


--Read DS18B20---

-- for 8 bits, one bit costs one time slot, time slot min =  60 us --
pull down the pin for over 1  us
wait a piece of time within 15 us.
read the pin, high is 1, low is 0
wait the time slot be ended.
--end for --

---End Read DS18B20---

--Write DS18B20---

-- for 8 bits, one bit costs one time slot, time slot min = 60 us --
pull down the pin for over 1 us
within 15 us, set the pin be high(1) or low(0)
wait the time slot be ended.
--end for --

---End Write DS18B20---

The corresponding code for OpenWrt is :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <signal.h>

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <errno.h>

#define GPIO_ADDR        (0x18040000)
#define GPIO_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE     (48)

int MappingGPIOToMemory(unsigned long **pp_gpio_address)
 int mem_fd;

 if ((mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR)) < 0)
  printf("Open /dev/mem fail\r\n");
  return -1;
 }/*if */

 *pp_gpio_address = (unsigned long*)mmap(NULL, GPIO_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE,


 if (*pp_gpio_address == MAP_FAILED)
  printf("mapping memory fail\r\n");
  printf("error message = %s\r\n", strerror(errno));
  return -2;


#define PIN_OUT        (1)
#define PIN_IN         (0)

void SetGPIODirection(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer, int direction)

 unsigned long value;
 value = *(p_gpio_address + GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE_OFFSET);

 if (PIN_IN == direction)
  value &= ~(1 << gpio_numer);
  value |= (1 << gpio_numer);

 *(p_gpio_address + GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE_OFFSET) = value;


#define HIGH         (1)
#define LOW         (0)

void SetGPIOValue(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer, int value)


#define GPIO_OUT_VALUE_OFFSET    (2)

 unsigned long full_register_value;

 full_register_value = *(p_gpio_address + GPIO_OUT_VALUE_OFFSET);

 if (0 == value)
  full_register_value &= ~(1 << gpio_numer);
  full_register_value |= (1 << gpio_numer);

 *(p_gpio_address + GPIO_OUT_VALUE_OFFSET) = full_register_value;


#define GPIO_SET_OFFSET      (3)
#define GPIO_CLEAR_OFFSET     (4)

 if(0 == value)
  *(p_gpio_address + GPIO_CLEAR_OFFSET) = (1 << gpio_numer);
  *(p_gpio_address + GPIO_SET_OFFSET) = (1 << gpio_numer);



void GetGPIOValue(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer, int *p_value)
 unsigned long full_register_value;

 full_register_value = *(p_gpio_address + GPIO_INPUT_VALUE_OFFSET);

 *p_value = (full_register_value >> gpio_numer) & 0x01;

void delay_micro_sec(unsigned int delay_time_in_us)
 struct timeval now;
 struct timeval period;
 struct timeval end;

 gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

 period.tv_sec = delay_time_in_us / 1000000;
 period.tv_usec = delay_time_in_us % 1000000;

 timeradd(&now, &period, &end);

 while(timercmp(&now, &end, < ))
  gettimeofday(&now, NULL);


enum DS18B20_Resolution
 DS18B20_9_Bit_Resolution = 0,
 DS18B20_10_Bit_Resolution = 1,
 DS18B20_11_Bit_Resolution = 2,
 DS18B20_12_Bit_Resolution = 3,
} ;

int ResetDS18B20(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer)
 unsigned int time_cnt;

 SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_OUT);

 //SetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, HIGH);

#define RESET_DS18B20_PULL_DOWN_TIME_IN_USEC   (600)
 SetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, LOW);

 SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_IN);
#define DS18B20_RESISTOR_PULL_UP_IN_USEC    (60)
 time_cnt = 0;
  int pin_value;

  GetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, &pin_value);

  if(LOW == pin_value)

  if(DS18B20_RESISTOR_PULL_UP_IN_USEC == time_cnt)
 }/*while high*/

 if(DS18B20_RESISTOR_PULL_UP_IN_USEC == time_cnt)
  return -1;
 }/*over time*/

#define DS18B20_RESP_PULL_DOWN_IN_USEC     (240)
 time_cnt = 0;
  int pin_value;

  GetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, &pin_value);

  if(HIGH == pin_value)

  if(DS18B20_RESP_PULL_DOWN_IN_USEC == time_cnt)
 }/*while low*/

 if(DS18B20_RESP_PULL_DOWN_IN_USEC == time_cnt)
  return -2;
 }/*over time*/
#define DS18B20_RESP_TOTAL_TIME_IN_USEC    (480)

 delay_micro_sec(DS18B20_RESP_TOTAL_TIME_IN_USEC - time_cnt);
 return 0;

int ReadDS18B20Byte(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer,
 unsigned char *p_datum)
 int i;
 unsigned char datum;
 int one_bit_value;

 datum = 0;

 for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){

  SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_OUT);
  SetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, LOW);

  SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_IN);

  GetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, &one_bit_value);

  datum |= (one_bit_value << i);

#define DS18B20_ONE_BIT_READ_TIME_IN_USEC      (62)
 }/*for one byte*/

 //SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_IN);
 *p_datum = datum;

 return 0;

int WriteDS18B20Byte(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer,
 unsigned char data)
 int i;

 SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_OUT);

 for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){

  SetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, LOW);

#define DS18B20_ONE_BIT_WRITE_TIME_IN_USEC       (60)
  if(0x01 & data)
   SetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, HIGH);
   SetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, LOW);


  data >>= 1;

  SetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, HIGH);
 }/*for 8 bit*/

 //SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_IN);

 return 0;

int WriteDS18B20Command(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer,
 unsigned char command_code)
 return WriteDS18B20Byte(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, command_code);

int WaitDS18B20TemperatureConvertingDone(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer,
 enum DS18B20_Resolution resolution)
 unsigned int time_cnt;
 unsigned int max_duration_time_in_msec;
#define DS18B20_MIN_CONVERT_TIME_IN_MSEC     (750/8)
#define BUFFER_TIME           (100/8)

  = (1 >> resolution)*(DS18B20_MIN_CONVERT_TIME_IN_MSEC + BUFFER_TIME);

 SetGPIODirection(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, PIN_IN);

  int pin_value;

  GetGPIOValue(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, &pin_value);

  if(1 == pin_value)

  if(max_duration_time_in_msec == time_cnt)
 }/*while 1*/

 if(max_duration_time_in_msec == time_cnt)
  printf("Convert fail\r\n");
  return -1;

 return 0;


unsigned char CRCiButtonUpdate(unsigned char crc, unsigned char data)
 int i;

 crc = crc ^ data;

#define CRC_POLY        (0x8C)

 for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){

  if (crc & 0x01)
   crc = (crc >> 1) ^ CRC_POLY;
   crc >>= 1;
 }/*for i*/

 return crc;

#define SKIP_DS18B20_ROM       (0xCC)
#define CONVERT_DS18B20_TEMP      (0x44)
#define WRITE_DS18B20_RAM        (0x4E)
#define READ_DS18B20_RAM       (0xBE)

int SetDS18B20Resolution(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer,
 enum DS18B20_Resolution resolution)
 if(0 != ResetDS18B20(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer))
  printf("ResetDS18B20 error in %s\r\n", __func__);
  return -1;
 }/*avoid the reseting does not be called in the begin*/

 WriteDS18B20Command(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, SKIP_DS18B20_ROM);
 WriteDS18B20Command(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, WRITE_DS18B20_RAM);

#define DS18B20_MINUS_SIGN(VALUE)     ((0x1<<7)|(VALUE))
  WriteDS18B20Byte(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, 100);
  WriteDS18B20Byte(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, DS18B20_MINUS_SIGN(55));
 }/*useless block to fill the head 2 bytes of write ram */

 WriteDS18B20Byte(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, ((0x03 & resolution) << 5) | 0x1f );

 if(0 != ResetDS18B20(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer))
  printf("%s error\r\n", __func__);
  return -1;
 }/*if ResetDS18B20 error*/

 return 0;

int ReadDS18B20Temperature(unsigned long *p_gpio_address, int gpio_numer,
 enum DS18B20_Resolution resolution, float *p_temperature)

 if(0 != ResetDS18B20(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer))
  printf("ResetDS18B20 1st error\r\n");
  return -1;

 SetDS18B20Resolution(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, resolution);

 WriteDS18B20Command(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, SKIP_DS18B20_ROM);
 WriteDS18B20Command(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, CONVERT_DS18B20_TEMP);

 if(0 != WaitDS18B20TemperatureConvertingDone(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, resolution))
  return -3;
  printf("Temperature converting error\r\n");

 if(0 != ResetDS18B20(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer))
  printf("ResetDS18B20 3nd error\r\n");
  return -4;

 WriteDS18B20Command(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, SKIP_DS18B20_ROM);
 WriteDS18B20Command(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, READ_DS18B20_RAM);

  short temperature;
  unsigned char raw_temperature[2];

  int i;
  unsigned char byte_datum;
  unsigned char computed_crc, read_crc;

  computed_crc = 0x00;
  for(i = 0; i< 8; i++){
   ReadDS18B20Byte(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, &byte_datum);
   computed_crc = CRCiButtonUpdate(computed_crc, byte_datum);

   if(0 == i)
    raw_temperature[0] = byte_datum;

   if(1 == i)
    raw_temperature[1] = byte_datum;

  }/*for i */

  ReadDS18B20Byte(p_gpio_address, gpio_numer, &read_crc);

  if(read_crc != computed_crc)
   //printf("read_crc = %d, computed_crc = %d\r\n",
   // read_crc, computed_crc);
   return -4;

  raw_temperature[0] >>= (3 - resolution);
  raw_temperature[0] <<= (3 - resolution);

  temperature = raw_temperature[0] + (raw_temperature[1] << 8);

  if(0x01 & (temperature >> 11))
    temperature = -1* (0x07ff & temperature);
  temperature = ((temperature >> 11) | 0x01) * (0x07ff & temperature);

  *p_temperature = temperature/16.0;
 return 0;

unsigned long *p_gpio_address = NULL;

void InterruptSignalHandlingRoutine(int sig)
 if(NULL != p_gpio_address)
  munmap(p_gpio_address, GPIO_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
 p_gpio_address = NULL;


void print_current_time(void)
 time_t t;
 struct tm calendar_time;
 t = time(NULL);
 localtime_r(&t, &calendar_time);

 printf("now time: %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d, %s(+%d)\n",
  calendar_time.tm_year + 1900, calendar_time.tm_mon + 1,
  calendar_time.tm_hour, calendar_time.tm_min, calendar_time.tm_sec,
  calendar_time.tm_zone, (int)calendar_time.tm_gmtoff/3600);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

 float temperature;
 int executed_count;
 int succeeded_count;
 int g_gpio_number;
 int resolution;

 resolution = DS18B20_12_Bit_Resolution;
 signal(SIGINT, InterruptSignalHandlingRoutine);

 if(2 > argc)
  printf("%s should be followed by led_gpio_pin_number\r\n", argv[0]);
  return -1;

 //if(1 < argc)
  char *p_temp;
  g_gpio_number = strtol(argv[1], &p_temp, 10);
  if(argv[1]== p_temp || g_gpio_number < 0)
   printf("%s is not a number for specifying gpio pin number\r\n", argv[1]);
   return -2;
  }/*not a number*/

 }/*local variable*/

 if(2 < argc)
  char *p_temp;
  resolution = strtol(argv[2], &p_temp, 10);
  if(argv[2]== p_temp)
   printf("%s is not a number to specify resolution\r\n", argv[2]);
   return -3;
  }/*not a number*/

  if(resolution > 12 || resolution < 9)
   printf("%s should be >= 9 and <= 12 \r\n", argv[2]);
   return -3;
 }/*local variable*/


  if(0 == ReadDS18B20Temperature(p_gpio_address, g_gpio_number,
   (enum DS18B20_Resolution)(resolution - 9), &temperature))
   printf("temperature = %7.4f\r\n\r\n", temperature);


 if(NULL != p_gpio_address)
  munmap(p_gpio_address, GPIO_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
 p_gpio_address = NULL;

 return 0;

My code for GPIO is based on Atheros AR9330@MIPS, if your CPU is not the same as mine, you need to re-implement the GPIO manipulation functions.

The makefile is just to adopt cross(parasitic)-compiler to build the code:

OPENWRT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH = $(OPENWRT_ROOT)/toolchain-mips_34kc_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc-
CC = $(OPENWRT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH)/bin/mips-openwrt-linux-gcc

        $(CC)  $(CFLAGS)   main.c  -o ds18b20_temperature
        rm ds18b20_temperature -f

Run the binary:

The first argument is the GPIO connected with DS18B20 sensor, the second one is resolution, which is to specify how many bit for describing the temperature, from 9 to 12.

Console output:

root@GL-AR150:/tmp# ./ds18b20_temperature 26 9 #gpio = 26, reslution = 9(to 1/2)
temperature = 32.0000

now time: 2017-8-28 15:33:20, CST(+8)
temperature = 31.5000

now time: 2017-8-28 15:33:23, CST(+8)
temperature = 32.0000

root@GL-AR150:/tmp# ./ds18b20_temperature 26 12 #gpio = 26, resolution = 12(to 2^-4 =0.0625)
temperature = 31.2500

now time: 2017-8-28 15:36:49, CST(+8)
temperature = 31.3125

now time: 2017-8-28 15:36:52, CST(+8)
temperature = 31.3750

now time: 2017-8-28 15:36:55, CST(+8)
temperature = 31.2500

now time: 2017-8-28 15:36:58, CST(+8)
temperature = 31.3750

now time: 2017-8-28 15:37:1, CST(+8)
temperature = 31.4375

 GPIO 26 is the DS18B20 embedded in my development board.

The measured temperatures need to be compensated 10 degree, But I do know why.  The weather  is impossible so hot in Taiwan even it is the beginning of autumn.

